Hapyy New Year! 2011
-Matthew Chauhan/Rager Cudder Drake (creator)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

News// Miley Hits The Bong!

Newly 18 year old Miley Cyrus is really ditching her "Good Girl" image and is now doing what she wants when she wants, Miley who recently turned 18 has been caught on tape doing a bong, the video below show Cyrus using a bong with friends that was said to have been filmed 5 days after her 18th Birthday party at Miley's L.A home, the video was said to have been filmed by a friend and it was leaked in belief of the original video being stolen or copyied and releaed online, as for what was in the bong sources close to the teen sensation say that it was Salvia smoke they were breathing in, Salvia which is legal in the state of California and pretty much everywhere else in the world is a natural herb that gives the effect of basically feeling drunk, sources close to Miley also state that Miley hasnt been herself since hearing the news of her parents getting divorced after 17 years of marriage and is trying her best to deal with things but from the looks of the bong and the underage drinking story, Miss Cyrus may need help or even talking this all thought with her parents.

As seen in the video, Miley's friends face's have been blocked out and rumours are flying around that the actual video leaker is one of the friends she was with doing Salvia that night, below is also a picture of what is thought to be the people involved in the scandal and reports are saying that one friend in that room isn't a friend just a person looking to make a quick buck out of the megastar.

To me its not such a big deal, i mean the "Drug" is legal so it can't be that bad if it can be brought over a counter but this may not play down so well on Miles due to having creating a career on a young fan base, but hey she's 18, just be safe that's all i have to say. also Miley did clear one thing up in the video, the past few weeks the media have gone crazy of whats going on with Miley's love life with Liam Hemsworth and reported that the pair had split, well if you listen to the video above Miley state's that she's "Having a little bit of a bad trip" and also shouts "Is that a F*cking Liam lookalike" "Omg is that my boyfriend Liam", looks like that clears the relationship rumours up.

"Cant Be Tamed" Out Now

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