Hapyy New Year! 2011
-Matthew Chauhan/Rager Cudder Drake (creator)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

News// Billy Ray Responds To Miley's Bong Video

Earlier i told how Miley Cyrus had been using a bong with friends and that the video had leaked, well Miley has kept quite so far on the subject but father Billy Ray responds to the video on his twitter as many followers were tweeting asking him about Miley & the video.
"Sorry guys. I had no idea. Just saw this stuff for the first time myself. Im so sad. There is much beyond my control right now."
above is what Billy Ray twitter to answer people's question, will keep updated for when Miley speaks on the subject. i'd love to be a fly on the wall in that room when Billy meets Miley to talk about it,

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