Hapyy New Year! 2011
-Matthew Chauhan/Rager Cudder Drake (creator)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kanye West – Interview With Matt Lauer On The Today Show

Two days after Kanye West’s Twitter rant over Matt Lauer and The Today Show, the complete interview was aired this morning (November 11). West and Lauer got into a conversation about former US president George W. Bush’s statement that Kanye West’s outburst regarding the non-response after Katrina was the low point of his presidency. The rapper revealed that he empathized with Bush because he too was called a racist after interrupting Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. “Today” played a clip of the infamous VMA-incident while West was responding. Being accused of shady practices, Lauer labeled his strategy as standard procedure. Check out the whole interview above.

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